Tales from the ARVInn

by: Robert Nalley | Story In Progress | Last updated May 16, 2024

Chapter 12
Housing Trends for AgeRegressed Adults

Chapter Description: Among the ARVInn Archive documents are various news reports, dealing with anything affecting those who are age-regressed.

This groundbreaking this weekend for new residential apartments for AR-Adults in eastern Dayton began the second of six buildings scheduled for the Flyer Village site and is the first AR-Adult specific site in the city.  The project has had the backing of the city Housing Authority and the county’s Residential Council.  It is being developed as a public-private enterprise with DaytonFree, with some units to be condos and others to be rental.  The units will be available for rental by year’s end. 1

Over the past half-century, housing for Age-Regressed Adults has become much more available, across the United States and around the world.  The demand for such housing has come about for multiple reasons.  The supply has then increased to meet the demand.  This is a simple economic equation.

First of all, AR-Adults have come into the mainstream of life as the reasons for their condition became public knowledge.  During the first few years of the outbreak, misconceptions and fears dominated much of the discussion.  As those were dealt with, AR-Adults faced fewer difficulties in finding work and engaging in life activities with the general public.  Today, there are legal safeguards that allow AR-Adults the same choices in obtaining housing as any other citizens.  The biggest obstacle which many face is simply the size of the furnishings.  Having appropriately-sized furniture is a comfort choice that most choose to make.  It is a problem for landlords, however, in that they must provide the furniture for two separate clienteles, one of which is a much smaller one than the other.  Mr. J.R. Holmes, board member of the Dayton Landlords’ Association and owner of a number of apartments here in Dayton, had this to say: “It has required me to own warehouse space as well as living space, since we have to store furnishings which are not being used.  I have managed to combine the two functions by making use of some former manufacturing plants and turning part of the buildings into storage, while renting apartments in the remaining portions.” 2 Renting an unfurnished apartment is often an option, but adds the expense of buying or leasing adaptive furniture to the renter’s budget.

Secondly, AR-Adults have seen their economic status return to roughly the same levels as the general public, as roadblocks to their employment have been removed, due to legal action and societal acceptance.  While there are a significant number of jobs which still have restricted availability due to physical limitations, most jobs have found ways to make accommodations for AR-Adults on the same basis as others who have ADA-listed conditions.  A US Department of Labor report in 2108 reported that only 16% of job titles were classified as restricted due to their physical demands.3  These typically were due to the physical strength needed, such as mining operations, although some were due to height as well. The creative arts and most office work are especially notable in their openness.  Skills and talents not dependent on physical size bring equal rewards and results for everyone.

A third reason is that AR-Adults often wish to live on their own terms.  The basic human need for personal autonomy leads many people to establish their own lifestyle, rather than remaining as a part of a family group.  This has been noted throughout history, as children leave their families to strike out on their own.  In the same way, AR-Adults have chosen to move out on their own as spouses have passed away or as children became old enough to live on their own.  The US Department of Human Services reported earlier this year that the past few years have seen a great increase in the number of AR-Adults whose actual ages are over 60 becoming residents in single family homes, apartments and other developments where at least a significant number of residents are also age regressed.  Many others do not move to an AR-Adult-centric community, but do establish their own residence either in their original community or in another location chosen for reasons of their own.

Specialized dwellings for AR-Adults have been the second largest group of new housing starts in the US over the past decade, following couples establishing their first homes together.  These vary from apartment buildings built completely or partly for AR-Adults through whole communities of mixed-type structures, such as the well-known ARVInn communities in Ohio and California.  Mr. Carl Ferbern, General Manager of the ARVInn complex in eastern Ohio, stated “We have had ongoing requests for housing here from the very first opening in 2061.  Our numbers have been steady across the years and are just as high today as ever.  We seldom have vacancies for any length of time, even when opening a new building.” 4 Developers and marketers have established communities for AR-Adults on commercial terms as well, such as Gulfside Shores in Naples, Florida, where the homes are constructed and marketed specifically to AR-Adults.

The trends shown in various studies have been stable with regard to the demand for AR-Adult housing.  This has held true in overseas studies as well as here in the United States.  It seems that the reasons for the demand will continue to hold true, just as much as in the past.  Communities which have grown up for this demographic have shown growth, both economically and socially, which bodes well for their continued success.



1 Photo 27457769 © Jerryb8 | Dreamstime.com

2 Image 4339894 by Igor Lukin from Pixabay

3 Photo 58240525 © Gunold | Dreamstime.com

4 Photo 11648926 © Alevtina Guzova | Dreamstime.com



End Chapter 12

Tales from the ARVInn

by: Robert Nalley | Story In Progress | Last updated May 16, 2024


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