Tales from the ARVInn, 2

by: Robert Nalley | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 15, 2024

Chapter 17
ARVInn: Residents--Mark Roberts, Gardener

Chapter Description: Mark Roberts was an expert, with a passion for roses. When he contracted the AR Virus, it forced some changes in his life, at least for a while. Finding a new home that fitted his skills was just what he needed.

Mark Roberts, Gardener    

  He can't push it, but he knows where it needs to be pushed!                       

Mark Roberts (2/2031) was dedicated to his flowers.  He was a prize-winning rosarian before the AR Virus reduced him to his present size in 2073.  From his home in Illinois, he had traveled all around the country, to rose shows and other events for years.  After the virus, at 34” tall, he realized this wasn’t as easy to continue as he’d like.  He began looking for a new home for himself and his rose collection.  After a months-long search, he settled on ARVInn.  It took him over a year to settle into a new home and get his new garden in place. 

He’d quickly volunteered his expertise to the Building and Grounds Team upon his arrival.  His reconstructed garden also quickly became a local gathering spot, with its gazebo and well-placed benches.  He’d chosen its location for easy maintenance as well as public access.  Now, a recognized trial garden for new rose varieties has also been established, part of an annual competition among rose breeders.  No matter the season, Mark keeps a close eye on it and often is around to explain what is there.

Read the remainder here:  Tales from the ARVInn--Mark Roberts, Gardener (mediafire.com)



End Chapter 17

Tales from the ARVInn, 2

by: Robert Nalley | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 15, 2024


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