Tales from the ARVInn, 2

by: Robert Nalley | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 15, 2024

Chapter 18
ARVInn: World--Marlon Hendry, Mountain Born

Chapter Description: Marlon started with very little. Strangely enough, being reduced to a kid brought opportunities that he used to build a new, more successful life.

Marlon, Mountain Born  


Marlon Hendry (6/2043) was working in a warehouse in Kelsoe, WV, when he contracted the AR Virus in April, 2072.  He was left the youngest in his family, with his three kids all being bigger than him, Jonah (11), Marda (10) and Ken (8).  His wife, Annetra (b2044), kept on working to support the family, leaving him at home to fend for himself during the day and get the kids off to school and back home in the afternoon.  His days were spent doing what housework--cleaning and cooking—he could.  Anyone seeing him around then wouldn’t have guessed he was the adult.  He and his two boys managed to get outside in the dirt more often than not. Annetra found it funny to see her husband looking just as dirty as her boys.  Her comment was “What you get dirty, you clean up!” Laundry was his to do, but not his favorite.


The family did receive support from AR-Adult assistance, which helped make up for the loss of his income.  His former job was now impossible for him, as it involved lifting and moving sizeable containers.  There just wasn’t an accommodation they could make for him to continue working there.  The case worker assigned to him brought information about AR Assistance Services and encouraged him to look into it.  The program offered counseling and training for other jobs. 

After a year of sitting at home, enough boredom had set in that he enrolled in both.  In a rather unique partnership, he began riding the bus to school with his kids and then doing the classes in a room set up there, along with other AR-Adults.  

Read the remainder here:  Tales from the ARVInn--Marlon, Mountain Born (mediafire.com)



End Chapter 18

Tales from the ARVInn, 2

by: Robert Nalley | Complete Story | Last updated Jun 15, 2024


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